29 March 2012

Modeling Menander: Reconstructing Boundaries in the Casa del Menandro at Pompeii

Additional materials for the poster that I am presenting at RAC/TRAC 2012 can be found below, including a much improved video of the Casa del Menandro boundary model. Since the model was originally completed in October, I have added some important architectural features, most noticeably the second storey of the main dining room (this is the facade looming above the peristyle's eastern, or left, ambulatory). I have also increased the resolution significantly and included the boundaries in this version, creating a fly-through that more closely represents the appearance of the house in antiquity (albeit still missing a number of crucial elements). A PDF of the poster itself is available for download here; additional comparative images of the house are also included below.

Atrium and peristyle from fauces

 Atrium, northeast corner

 Peristyle, eastern range

3 January 2012

New Year's News and Notes

After another work-filled few months, I think that I've got enough news to justify a blog update. Things that are happening at the moment: 

1. TRAC 2012 Poster: I'm putting together a poster summarizing my work on the Casa del Menandro model for TRAC 2012 in Frankfurt. The poster will focus on the techniques used to construct the model as well as the results of this process; particular attention will be given to role that boundaries played in negotiating the relationship between "public" and "private" space within the house.

 2. Classical Urbanism: I am, once again, teaching a course on ancient cities through the University of Edinburgh's Open Studies program. The course begins on January 16th, and registration is open through the 14th. More information is available here.

3. The Form and Function of Boundaries in the Campanian House: This paper, which synthesizes some of the data from the DOPAHP's second phase, will be included in the forthcoming book Privata Luxuria: Towards an Archaeology of Intimacy, edited by Anna Anguissola. The volume should be available in the spring/early summer. 

As work on the dissertation continues, I suspect that there will be less need to update the blog (unless readers show a strong desire to proof my chapters). However, I'll do my best to provide relevant information as it becomes available. And to my friends and colleagues heading to the AIA Conference this weekend I'll see you in Philadelphia!